Effective January 1, 2025, there will be a 2.5% sewer rate increase.
The Residential dwelling unit(s) and Non-for-Profit: Old Rate $72.10 New Rate $73.90
If you receive an electrical credit, it remains the same at (.75) per dwelling.
Condos per unit: Old Rate $66.38 New Rate $68.04
Base Rates for all Commercial: Old Base Rate $78.35 New Base Rate $80.31
Marinas, Campground/RV Parks, Motel/Hotel/Resort, Boarding/Rooming House, Manufacturing, Nursing Homes, Schools, Laundromats, Car Wash, Gas Stations, Tattoo Parlor, Convenience Store, Retail, Office, and Event Venues.
Food/Beverage Services: New Rate $180.47 for 50 seats or more Per Seat/Per Employee $2.46
New Rate $102.50 for 50 seats or less Per Seat/Per Employee $2.46
Resort Pool: $205.00 monthly rate. This is a seasonal rate from May 1st to September 30th.
Per Employee; Nursing Homes/Schools/Gas Stations/Convenience Store/Manufacturing/Tattoo Parlor
/Retail and Office: Old Rate $2.34 New Rate $2.40
Per Room; Motel/Hotel/Resort: Old Rate $12.46 New Rate $12.77
Boarding/Rooming House: Old Rate $31.14 New Rate $31.92
Per Boat Slip: Old Rate $2.68 New Rate $2.75
Office/Retail/Event Venues: Per 1,000 sq ft: Old Rate $18.77 New Rate $19.24
Per Student: Old Rate $1.34 New Rate $2.40
Per Gas Island: Old Rate $69.23 New Rate $70.96
Campground/RV Parks per space fees will increase from $10.00 per space to $11.00 per space.
We look forward to continuing to provide quality and dependable sewer services for you and your family.